Ugh. I've been having a tough time with my sewing projects this week. First of all, I have yet to sew even one pillow sham for
pillow week. Instead I have tackled two other seemingly easy projects, only to find myself obsessing over the imperfections.
Exhibit A: Jersey Ric-Rac Scarf.

I so want to love jersey, but I've found that my sewing machine and jersey just don't get along. What am I doing wrong?!

I had this lovely jersey fabric that I found last summer at JoAnn Fabrics in Chicagoland - on the clearance shelf, no less! Why I did not think to buy more at that time is beyond me. I only bought 1/2 yard to make another one of
these ruffle scarves from
MADE. But, the other day I found this fabric in my stash and decided to try something new. Yikes. This ruffle at the bottom looks even more sad than my face did when I turned my sewing out to view it.

So I ripped out the ruffle and replaced it with ric-rac. It's okay. I actually like the red, but the ric-rac is a bit too rigid for the jersey. And, I had to fix my ric-rac installation twice, so I have a couple of small post-operative seams to show for that.

At least it is snuggly around my neck. And, I can't get enough of the colors and fabric pattern.
Where's Exhibit B, you wonder? Hmmm. I think I'll save that for another day... maybe after I sew something with more wowsers and less yowsers.
:) Shelly
I think it turned out great! And it looks great with that black shirt!