
November 2, 2012

my three musketeers

Halloween costumes. Man, oh, man... I'm still in disbelief that I actually finished them. It was a long process, and my excitement level was seriously lacking. But, I was quite pleased with how they came out. The three musketeers seemed pretty happy with their costumes, too.

Halloween was tough this year. Morgan and I had a cold, Chris was sick with what we think was the flu, and Charles had a fever. Marcus, of course, was healthy as a horse. We made it to Marcus' preschool party on Halloween eve, but Halloween was a little more subdued. Everyone rallied for a costume photo shoot, though. Footwear was obviously optional.

Charles and Marcus selected this costume pattern when they went shopping with me at JoAnn's. I think it was the swords that really sold them. I bought the boys' hats and swords online. I made the boys' tunics using McCalls pattern 5500. I decided to leave the sleeves off because I knew that the boys would use them a lot in their dress-up play. Plus, I figured white satin sleeves would become a filthy nightmare by the time we went trick-or-treating. I made the belts using a subtle black cotton print and some notions left over from when we were the royal family a few years back.

Apparently this is a musketeer face. Chris and I think it is more reminiscent of Zoolander.

I winged it on Morgan's tunic by using one of her tunic-style tops as a pattern. I made both her tunic and hat while she was sleeping, which is why both items are a little bit tight for her. I'm guessing that next week she'll be too big for them!

Hope you all had a fun Halloween! We still enjoyed ourselves, even through all the sickness. Now I just feel sick from all of the miniature candy bars I've been eating!

:) Shelly

1 comment:

  1. Love it - you are so talented! I had enough trouble just ripping clothes someone else made for L's costume :) I can't imagine actually creating clothes! Royal Family? Awesome!
