
August 31, 2012

a t-shirt dress

There hasn't been much sewing over here this summer. It has been a busy few months with all three kiddos at home and lots of fun in the Seattle summer sun (sometimes sun, anyways). Even though I've missed the time in front of my sewing machine, I am happy that I spent most of my summer evenings sitting on the front deck instead. After (finally) hemming Charlie's karate uniform one night, I did mess around with making a t-shirt dress for Morgan.

This t-shirt is actually a onesie that suffered the devastating effects of a horrible poop-splosion and was just never the same. I cut off the affected portion of the onesie and sewed on a skirt. My big mistake was that I didn't make the skirt full enough, which made it Miss Kicks-a-lot's least favorite outfit. It was a beneficial learning process - t-shirt dresses are cheap and easy to make and can be really cute. I'm sure I'll be making more in the future. (By the way, this photo of Morgan was taken over 6 weeks ago, which give you an idea of how long its been since I sewed anything - sniffle, sniffle).

Here she is at just about 6.5 months old, demonstrating her most recently learned trick. She's become a real chunk, right?! Did you notice those "fat sleeves"?

Morgan and I just took the boys shopping at JoAnn's for Halloween costume patterns. We have a plan, and I hope to acquire fabric and start sewing this weekend.

:) Shelly

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