Charlie and his friend, Emmet, pose in front of the
Sew Up Seattle truck.

The parade got off to a late start, which required us to try to entertain the little ones in the parade staging area. Check out Emmet's fish coat! I never did get to see him do his "crazy fish dance," though. I am impressed with Alex, Emmet's mom, who finished sewing Emmet's coat on the bus on the way to the parade!

While we waited for the parade to begin, we checked-out the crazy pirates.

And, we watched this very serious drill team practice.

Then, as the minutes dragged on, we observed the pirates socializing with the drill teams. This particular pirate is scratching his back with is plastic sword - a very pirate-y move.

The Seafair Clowns paid us a visit. Charlie and I went over to meet them and inquire about a balloon. We walked away with a sticker, a very cool button, and a few mildly inappropriate comments. Apparently the clowns had spent a good part of the waiting time in the bar across the street.

The Sew Up Seattle crew was composed of some very fun, crafty folks. I can't remember this sewer's name, but she was marvelous. Charlie rode on her shoulders at the beginning of the parade.

Then he did some marching.

From left to right: Chris, Marcus (in stroller), Charlie, Alex, Emmet, Shawn

The kids rode in the back of the truck for part of the parade, too. Chris asked Charlie if he could wear the cape, and Charlie refused him the privilege! Can you see them sewing in the back of the truck? During the parade they were making the banners that the rest of us were holding on to!

This was my favorite coat, made by Clare (who was driving the truck). Love it!

We exited the parade about three blocks before the end due to extreme fatigue of the little ones. It was exciting to see some of the parade go by before we headed home. This group was my favorite of all!

And the clowns were more fun to watch from afar.

But, that Sponge Bob clown still totally freaked me out, even at a safe distance.
By the way, Sew Up Seattle placed third in the "Community Novelty" category! Hooray! Thank you, Sew Up Seattle! We had a great time!
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