I am making slow progress on the
scrap coat - "quiet time" isn't quite as quiet as it used to be around here. We also went camping this weekend, which robbed me of all of my sewing time (and left me instead with a huge pile of stinky laundry). The trip was a blast, though. After a long morning of attempting to restore our kitchen and laundry room to a civilized state, I decided we all needed a creative break. So, we made some gluten-free zucchini bread.

Marcus insisted upon wearing an apron just like Charlie had on. The only other apron I have is this very cute frilly apron that my friend, Stacey, gave me a while back as a birthday present. Marcus didn't seem to care, but Charlie was quite disturbed by the fact that the apron was "girly".

I just loved that Marcus was baking with us. Until this morning, he's never had a great interest in helping out with cooking or baking (though he sure loves to pull everything out of the kitchen drawers - child-proof locks on the cabinets are a total joke for that crafty little stinker).

And, it turned out pretty good. We used the
gluten-free zucchini bread recipe from Bob's Red Mill (it was printed on the back of the xanthum gum package). The only changes we made were to add some broken pieces of a Hershey's bar (since we couldn't have campfires at the site we camped at this weekend, I have a dangerous amount of s'mores supplies hanging around in our kitchen) instead of the raisins, and to omit the cinnamon (because I ran out). It was still tasty, though!

We journeyed to the neighborhood sandbox while it cooled, then gobbled a good portion of one loaf down upon our return. Yum!
There will be scrap coat progress tonight! I promise!
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