
February 1, 2013

infinity scarf

Last night, while Marcus and Morgan were falling asleep and Charles was building a LEGO castle with Chris, I stole some time in front of my sewing machine to whip up this infinity scarf. It seriously took me about 20 minutes total. I think this may be my new favorite project.

I was too lazy to get the camera tripod out this morning (and also too lazy to put makeup on for the photo shoot), so I just gave Charles a short tutorial on how to use my camera and he produced this photo. Not bad, huh? I am shameful to admit this, but I think he takes better pictures than I do.

Anyways, I love how this scarf drapes. I used about 1/2 yard of the green jersey and a remnant* of the patterned jersey that was a little less than 1/4 yard. I took a peak at this tutorial from Sewn Studio before I started. My scarf is probably about 3-4 inches shorter than this one. Again, I am too lazy to measure.

Given that I just got reprimanded for the recent spending I've done to fuel my new scarf obsession, I think I will start making them myself from now on. This one came together for under $4! How can Chris complain about that?

:) Shelly

*I will not link the original scarf that was made out of this jersey print. It was super ugly, so I ripped it apart shortly after finishing it. I'm much happier with this one! 


  1. LOOOOOOOOOVE This!!! You are a beautiful lady Ms Shelly!!!

  2. you say "too lazy" I say, a beautiful mama. VERY cute scarf! - Kristin Mc

  3. Love it Shelly!! Great job! Love, mel

  4. Looks Great, Shell !!!

  5. When I logged on, my first thought was GREAT PHOTO, you beautiful woman! Did Charles take the Mamas with Cameras class!? The scarf is very lovely too!

  6. You ladies flatter me! Thanks for all the sweetness!
