
May 29, 2012

five little mice

I did a little felt crafting last week that I thought I would share (especially since I don't have a sewing project to share with you... yet!). Marcus loves the felt board that Teacher Tom uses during Circle Time at preschool, so we thought that an end-of-the-year felt board present would be a great idea. Originally, Marcus was going to help me make it, but he lost interest when he discovered that we wouldn't be using the sewing machine much. Oh well. It is the thought that counts, right?

Marcus' favorite story on one of his old music class cd's (Music Together from Chickadee Music) is Five Little Mice. So, that's what we (I) made. Here's the story:

Five little mice went out to play,
Gathering crumbs along the way.
Out came pussycat, sleek and fat,
Four little mice went scampering back.


One little mouse went out to play,
Gathering crumbs along the way.
OUT came pussycat, sleek and VERY fat,
The mouse ran away, whatd'ya think about that?!

I did use a little bit of sewing to affix the eyes, nose, and mouth on the cat.

And I gave the mice some floppy ears, button eyes, and yarn tails. All and all, I was pretty happy with how this came out, and Marcus was very excited to give it to his teacher.

I have a few sewing projects planned for this week. I definitely need to make some large, absorbent bibs for Morgan. She is a serious spitter. It is amazing! I also just spent a luxurious hour this afternoon shopping for fabric (ALONE!) for two baby shower gifts. My fabric store bliss was interrupted by a text from Chris reporting that there was a fairly substantial potty accident and a hungry baby, so I hurried home. I was thankful for that hour, though. Sanity restored!

:) Shelly

1 comment:

  1. So cute! You did a really great job!!! I may have to copy!!
